Right Shoulder Pain: Possible Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Causes of Right Shoulder Pain
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Our shoulder carries out complex daily activities and can subsequently be vulnerable to many injuries, leading to pain and a significant impact on daily activities. Right shoulder pain usually occurs due to muscle, tendon, or ligament damage or damage to the peripheral nerves in that area. In some cases, it can be a sign of a heart attack. Let’s discuss the possible causes, symptoms, and treatment options for right shoulder pain. Continue reading to learn more. 

Anatomy of Shoulder Joint

Let’s discuss the shoulder’s anatomy before discussing the causes of right shoulder pain. The shoulder is also known as a glenohumeral joint, a ball-and-socket joint where the head of the humerus fits inside the shallow glenoid cavity of the scapula. The rotator cuff is made up of four muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis, and tendons, which support the shoulder joint and help in movements. 

Common Causes of Right Shoulder Pain

There are many different causes which can lead to right shoulder pain. Some of them are:

  • Impingement Syndrome: Pinched or compressed tendons of rotator cuff can lead to a condition called impingement syndrome, that leads to pain and discomfort. 
  • Fracture: This occurs due to falls and accidents leading to fractures in the collarbone or shoulder bone.
  • Arthritis: Shoulder pain can occur because of osteoarthritis (degenerative joint condition) or by rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disorder).
  • Frozen Shoulder: It's an inflammatory condition in which the shoulder is painful and also the range of motion becomes limited. It's common in people aged between 40-60, more common in females than males, more common in people with diabetes, thyroid, stroke, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, or an injury or surgery requiring shoulder immobilisation. 
  • Brachial Neuritis: It's a type of peripheral neuritis that affects the other parts like the chest, shoulder, arms, and hands. 
  • Overuse Injuries: Repeated movements of the shoulder while working or playing sports can lead to overuse injuries. Some of them are:
    • Bursitis: Inflammation of tendons that connects muscles to bones.
    • Rotator Cuff Tear: This occurs due to overuse, trauma or age-related degeneration leading to a tear in rotator cuff.
    • Tendinitis: Inflammation of the bursa that reduces friction between bones and muscles.
  • Disuse Syndrome: Period of immobility or physical inactivity leads to disuse syndrome. This leads to muscle wasting or atrophy. It occurs in people who have undergone a period of bed rest. 
  • Referred Pain: Pain on other parts of the body, such as the neck or chest, leading to referred shoulder pain.

Symptoms of Right Shoulder Pain

Symptoms usually depend on the root cause. Some of them are:

  • Pain: Pain can be mild or severe and may be aggravated by some activities.
  • Numbness or Tingling: Your hand or arm may feel a tingling or numbing sensation. 
  • Limited Range of Motion: You may face limited ability to move your shoulder in all directions.
  • Swelling or Tenderness: Your shoulder joint may feel swollen and tender.
  • Weakness: Difficulty in lifting or carrying heavy objects can be a sign of muscle weakness.
  • Other Symptoms: You may experience other symptoms like stiffness, shaking, bruising, pain extending till neck, change in reflexes, or loss of sensation.

Diagnosis of Right Shoulder Pain

Your doctor will assess the right shoulder pain firstly, they will assess the history, which will include the following:

  • Onset
  • Characteristics
  • Functional impact
  • Dominant/Non-Dominant side
  • Your occupation, etc

Then, they will do a basic examination to check the tenderness, strength, and ROM. 

They may also consider imaging tests to identify the underlying cause, such as:

  • X-ray
  • MRIs
  • Ultrasound.

Treatment Options for Right Shoulder Pain

The treatment options will depend on the root cause and the severity of the symptoms. Common treatment options are:

  • Rest and Ice: Inflammation and pain can be reduced by resting and applying ice on the affected part.
  • Corticosteroid Injection: These injections help reduce inflammation and pain in cases of bursitis and tendinitis.
  • Over-the-Counter Pain Reliever: NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen can provide temporary relief from pain and reduce inflammation.
  • Surgery: In severe cases like rotator cuff tear or any other conditions, surgery may be required to repair the tissues.

Home Remedies for Right Shoulder Pain

You can follow the following remedies in addition to the medical care to treat your right shoulder pain:

  • Heat Therapy: It helps reduce pain and muscle relaxation.
  • Message: It helps with blood flow and reduces muscle tension.

Physiotherapy treatment

A physiotherapist will design your rehab program, depending on the root cause of your shoulder pain and severity of symptoms.

Suppose you cannot move your shoulder without someone's help or even feel pain when someone tries to move it. In that case, the rehabilitation program will include exercises in the supine position and basic ROM exercises passively, gradually in the sitting position, isometric exercises for rotator cuff muscles, shoulder shrugs, neck stretching, pendular exercises, etc.

Progressing to active assisted ROM exercises by using resistance bands/therapeutic bands, wall ladder exercises, rotator cuff stretchings, etc.

Active exercises with the help of resistance bands, dumbbells, or weight cuffs. Increase the reps and sets further. 

Preventing Right Shoulder Pain

To prevent the right shoulder pain, follow the tips given below:

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Excess weight can put stress on the shoulder joint.
  • Strengthen your Shoulder Muscles: Reduces the risk of injury.
  • Maintain a Good Posture: Poor posture can lead to shoulder pain.
  • Take breaks: Take frequent breaks in between if your job involves repetitive movements.
  • Avoid Overexertion: Always listen to your body and avoid activities that are demanding for your shoulders.

If you are someone who is suffering from left shoulder pain, then you can read this blog about possible causes and treatments for left shoulder pain


Right shoulder pain is very common these days, it can be treated easily by assessing the root cause and symptoms. In cases like rotator cuff tear or having persistent radiating pain you should consider medical advice. Granimals offers a comprehensive program for chronic pain management, and you can book a rehab consultation with us TODAY to learn more. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. When should I worry about the right shoulder pain?

Answer: If you experience arm/ shoulder pain alongside chest pain, radiating pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, rapid heart rate, dizziness, and excessive sweating, then you should consider medical help immediately.

Also, if you have any sports related injury like RCT or Swimmer’s shoulder, then in cases like this again medical attention is required if rest and ice is not helping you out.

Q2. What conditions can lead to pain in both the shoulders and arms?

Answer: Conditions like tears in the tendon, heart-related conditions, wear and tear of joints, arthritis, and nerve damage can lead to shoulder and upper arm pain.

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